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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Gynecology

Premenstrual Syndrome is the most common disorder a woman experiences during her reproductive years. Symptoms include bloating or weight gain, breast tenderness, anxiety, irritability, food cravings or changes in appetite, poor concentration, sleep disturbance, or depression.

From a Western Medicine perspective, PMS is understood as an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone levels. However, from a Traditional Korean Medicine perspective, the most important factor is emotional strain such as, anger, frustration, and resentment. This leads to the stagnation of Liver Qi, which is the main cause of PMS.


Western Medicine Diagnosis

  • Progesterone deficiency

  • Vitamin B6 deficiency

  • Elevation of Prolactin levels

  • Prostaglandins

  • Excessive levels of aldosterone

Traditional Korean Medicine Diagnosis

  • Liver Qi stagnation

  • Phlegm heat harasses the heart

  • Liver blood deficiency

  • Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency

  • Spleen and Kidney Yang deficiency


Menstrual Irregularities

Sometimes women have irregularities in their menstrual cycle or experience menstrual problems. They may not get their periods, get periods too frequently, or experience unpredictable menstrual bleeding.

Our practitioners first consider whether a woman may be pregnant, then ask about the pattern of bleeding and the duration of menstruation. Our main principle for treatment is to regulate the periods, which involves regulating the Yin, Yang, Qi and blood.


Irregularities of Cycle

  • Early periods

  • Late Periods

  • Irregular periods

  • Flooding and trickling

Irregularities in the Amount of Bleeding

  • Heavy periods

  • Scanty periods

  • Long periods

  • Bleeding between periods


Treating PMS and Menstrual Irregularities

Most premenstrual syndromes are caused by disruptions in the blood circulation of the body. In Traditional Eastern Medicine, PMS is caused by stagnation of the blood while menstrual cramps are caused by blood deficiency. So our PMS treatments focus on invigorating blood circulation and eliminating blood stagnation from the body.


Our Uterine Care Therapy does this by focusing on intestinal yoga and heat therapy, to increase blood flow to the uterine organ. Acupuncture and herbal medication are prescribed to tonify the blood energy of the body and provides immediate relief. Our blood tonic also addresses related symptoms such as, menstrual depression or PMS hot flashes.

Gynecology - Acupuncture For Menstrual Pain Fairfax VA

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